Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

PVA Slime

Submitted by sat on 29 February 2016

In Brief

Making slime is a fun activity that demonstrates the scientific principles of creating a polymer.

The most common method for producing slime in school laboratories is by combining polyvinyl alcohol with sodium tetraborate, which is commonly known as borax.

QLD DET Advice

Science ASSIST has been in contact with the Queensland Department of Education and Training (DET) regarding the issue of students being allowed to take home any slime made at school. They have advised that they have no current state-wide publication about taking borax slime home from school, and it is likely that any advice issued previously would have originated at a local level or have been distributed as local advice following a health and safety incident. QLD DET schools are required to take a risk management approach for granting permission to take material home that is generated as part of the science curriculum.

From both a curriculum-learning and safety perspective, there is no particular benefit in allowing students to take borax slime home. However, if a school determines that it is suitable to allow students to take the slime home, then it is advised to ensure the product is non-toxic.

QLD DET has an established health and safety advisory system that state schools are aware of and are expected to follow when seeking advice with regard to matters like this one. A staff member should contact their school-based health and safety advisor (HSA) for clarification. If the HSA cannot provide information, they should seek advice from the Regional Health and Safety Consultant, see 'Health and safety' tab on the following webpage.

Concerns about taking material home from science activities

Science ASSIST recommendations

Additional information

Borax slime

[Edit 30 September 2020] For updated information see Science ASSIST Information Sheet: Making slime using borax and related substances,


Harper, A., and Nickels, K. 2008. Slime investigation, Teacher worksheet, QUT website,

‘How to make cornflour slime’ CSIRO Education, CSIRO website, (As of 1 March 2017 the original resource was no longer available, this copy provided by the Internet Archive's Wayback machine)

‘Polyvinyl Alcohol Diluted solution’, Safety Data Sheet, Chem-Supply website (July 2014)

‘Sodium Tetraborate’, Safety Data Sheet, Chem-Supply website (February 2013)