Submitted by sat on 20 August 2019
Answer reviewed 18 January 2023
Occasional soldering by students in class is unlikely to pose any significant risk to health and safety as long as the work area is well ventilated, students are under strict supervision and safe work and good hygiene practices are implemented. See below for details of suitable controls which will reduce the risk of exposure to soldering fumes and exposure to lead.
Determining whether exposure to chemicals, including fumes, is a risk to health and safety is dependent on a wide range factors, including the length of exposure (both in the short term, and also over a lifetime), the composition of the fumes, as well as any controls put in place. Lead is a toxic metal and cumulative in the body and there are notification and health monitoring requirements for lead risk work.1,3 This risk of exposure to lead is low for occasional soldering activities as long as safe work procedures, i.e. the appropriate controls are implemented.2,3,4
Soldering is a technique used in schools in some STEM curricula such as constructing electrical circuits where soldering is used to connect wiring and electrical components to circuit boards.
Soldering utilizes a soldering iron to heat a metal alloy (solder) sometimes containing a rosin flux to enable pieces of metal to be joined together. The presence of flux improves the flow of the molten solder but also creates hazardous fumes.5
Traditionally the type of solder used is an alloy of tin/lead in a 60/40 ratio containing a rosin-based flux. Rosin-based solder fluxes produce hazardous fumes and can cause contact dermatitis in people with an allergy to rosin. Lead-free and rosin-free alternatives have been developed, however the fumes generated from these are generally unknown and so are still regarded as potentially harmful.6 Lead solder is easier to work with due to its lower melting point whereas the lead-free alternatives generally require a higher melting point and can be more difficult to work with.6 The solder and flux chosen should be suited to the task.
In Europe, there has been a move away from lead solder due to directives for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.3, 6 As a result, in the UK, lead solders have been removed from use in schools not because of health concerns for their use in soldering, but due to tighter environmental regulations for waste disposal of lead. Therefore, only lead-free solder is permitted.7
If lead-free solder is used, schools may need to check if their soldering irons operate at the higher temperatures required.7 Soldering at higher temperatures generally results in the production of more fumes3 which may adversely affect people with asthma, which makes good ventilation even more critical as an essential control measure.
Appropriate controls and safety precautions need to be taken to minimize these risks.
1 ‘Inorganic Lead’, Safe Work Australia website, (Accessed January 2023)
2 Safe Work Australia. (2014). ‘Research Brief - Australian Work Exposures Study (AWES) - Lead and lead compounds’. Retrieved from the Safe Work Australia website:
3 Diamond Environmental Ltd. (2011, January 6) Lead exposure during soldering, Retrieved from Diamond Environmental Ltd website:
4 Carnegie Mellon University Environmental Health and Safety. 2019. Soldering Safety – Guideline. Carnegie Mellon University website,
5 WorkSafe WA. 2014. ‘Guidance note – Soldering in the workplace: Rosin fluxes’ DMIRS website, (Information on hazardous fumes)
6 Health and Safety Laboratory (UK). (2006). ‘Hand Soldering – Summary of Information’, HSE website, (This provides information on the composition of solder and moves to lead-free and rosin-free products in Europe)
7 CLEAPSS. 2019. Soldering – no further use of leaded solder. Bulletin 165 Summer 2019. (Member access only)
8 University of Technology Sydney. (2016) ‘Soldering’, Retrieved from the University of Technology Sydney website:
9 Hansen C. (nd). ‘How to Prevent Soldering-Related Health Hazards’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) Cable Organizer website,
10 Ngan, V., 2002. Rosin allergy, Retrieved from DermNet New Zealand website,
Allergy Capital. (2020, June 19) ‘Contact allergic dermatitis’, Retrieved from Allergy Capital website,
Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy and the Environment. ‘Lead in recreational activities’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy and the Environment website,
CA Group. 'Recycling’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from CA Group website,
Chem-supply. 2018. ‘Resin TG (Gum Rosin) Safety Data Sheet’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from Chem-supply website. Search to source the latest Safety Data Sheet via the product information page.
Department of Education and Training Victoria, Student safety guidelines Technology, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from Department of Education and Training Victoria website,
Harris Products Group. 2022. Safety Data Sheets, Harris Products Group website, Scroll down for SDS for solders.
Queensland Department of Education. (issued 2011 reviewed July 2018). ‘Safety Alert: Lead exposure and lead risk jobs’, Retrieved from Queensland Department of Education website: Search safety alerts lead exposure
University of California San Diego. (2022, January 3). ‘Lead Soldering Safety’, Retrieved from University of California San Diego website,
University of Cambridge. ‘Soldering Safety’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from The University of Cambridge Department of Engineering Health & Safety website:
University of Sydney Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. (2014) ‘Safe Operating Procedure - Soldering and De-fluxing, Retrieved from University of Sydney Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering: Scroll down and search for ‘Safe Operating Procedure - Soldering and De-fluxing’
Victorian Trades Hall Council's (VTHC) Occupational Health and Safety Unit. ‘Dermatitis & other skin conditions’, Retrieved (18 January 2023) from The Victorian Trades Hall Council's (VTHC) Occupational Health and Safety Unit website: