Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

Combustion reaction

Submitted by sat on 15 December 2015

Answer reviewed 22 February 2023

There are hazards associated with students burning steel wool. The main danger of this experiment is the high temperatures that are created in the oxidation process, so students should not touch the hot steel wool. Consideration must also be given to the ignition method, as it is difficult to maintain the burning and collection of all of the resulting products, if this is to be a quantitative activity.

Ignition of steel wool

For the steel wool to “burn”, you are correct that it is better if it is fluffed up to allow sufficient oxygen to encourage the continued combustion of the iron into the middle of the sample. This often requires repeated ignition and rotating the ball of steel wool.

Here are a few methods of ignition that have been used.

Science ASSIST does not recommend ignition with a Bunsen burner by lifting and pointing the flame at the steel wool. Holding the Bunsen burner has its problems and is not the recommended method of use for the Bunsen.

Conducting an on-site risk assessment looking at the options outlined above will determine your preferred method.

Collection of resulting products

We suggest the use of a crucible or tin lid on a non-combustible protective bench mat (e.g., a cement sheet). It is best to use a course-grade steel wool, which will burn with less sparking and has no loss from pieces flying off that may not be included in the final mass after combustion. Ensure that the steel wool is uncoated and does not contain soap.

For this experiment to give meaningful results, it is important that all the resulting material is collected. The evaporating basin or tin lid should be pre-weighed to determine its mass. The steel wool, once fluffed out, is placed in the evaporating basin or on the tin lid and the total mass is noted and the steel wool mass determined. Allow the evaporating basin or tin lid to cool before re-weighing to determine the change in mass due to the oxide formation.

Alternatives to using magnesium and steel wool

We have considered other metals, however they are either too hazardous to use in schools or do not burn. We recommend that you search for examples on the internet to show them, if required.


Royal Society of Chemistry. (nd) The combustion of iron wool. Retrieved from the Royal Society of Chemistry website: