Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

organic chemicals

Submitted by sat on 02 September 2016

Answer reviewed 10 February 2023

It is important that a full risk assessment is conducted addressing the proposed use of all chemicals prior to their purchase.

All of the chemicals that you have mentioned have hydrocarbon chains with different functional groups of organic chemicals.1,2 

In the absence of any knowledge of the particular curriculum purpose or activity for these chemicals, we make the following general comments and have given consideration to the chemicals included in our List of recommended chemicals for science in Australian schools 2021.3

Alternative activities: 


'Organic functional groups'. Chemistry drills website, (Accessed February 2023)

2 'Ball, David, W; Hill, John, W and Scott, Rhonda, J. 2011. ‘Section 4.6 Introduction to Organic Chemistry' in Introduction to Chemistry: General, Organic and Biological, Lard Bucket website,

3 Science ASSIST. 2021. List of recommended chemicals for science in Australian schools 2021, Retrieved from the Science ASSIST website,

4 Science ASSIST. (2015). ‘Making Nylon’ Science ASSIST Q&A, Retrieved from the Science ASSIST website,

5 ATAR Chemistry for the QCE. (nd). U4 Topic 1: Properties and structure of organic materials, Retrieved (10 February 2023) from the ATAR Chemistry for the QCE website: 

BBC Bitesize. (nd). Organic chemistry, Retrieved (10 February 2023) from the BBC website, (Accessed February 2023)