Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

Homeostasis - Osmoregulation

Submitted by sat on 25 February 2015

Answer updated 17/01/2023

Potato Cubes and Ribena

The experiment from this website has been tried and works well:

The experiment involves identifying how much Ribena needs to be diluted before it becomes isotonic to potato cubes.

Students then do their own investigation with a fluid of their own choice (i.e., lemonade, orange juice, etc.) to determine the correct dilution to give to a dehydrated child (i.e., with the same solute concentration as the potatoes).

Dissolving Egg Shells

This experiment uses vinegar to dissolve egg shells:

The shell-less eggs are placed in hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions, and the change in mass is observed. Note that this experiment requires attention over a few days (unless you prepare the eggs in advance for the class).