Banned chemicals/materials list NSW & ACT
Answer reviewed 24 February 2023
The NSW Department of Education has banned the use of chemicals in their schools that have an unacceptable level of risk, and these are noted in their Chemical Safety in Schools Package (CSIS), which is available online (DoE intranet) to all staff in all government schools in NSW. Access in the past was available to Catholic and Independent schools via a licence agreement. You are advised to contact your school sector in NSW for further information regarding current access.
The ACT Education and Training Directorate refer their schools to the Science ASSIST List of recommended chemicals for science in Australian schools 2021. Schools also have access to Chemwatch for information on hazardous substances, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) etc.
Science ASSIST List of recommended chemicals for science in Australian schools 2021
The List of Recommended Chemicals was developed in 2016 to address the significant variations existing between the practices and local policies of the states and territories and educational jurisdictions. It was updated in 2021.
The List of Recommended Chemicals is not intended as a prescribed stock list, but rather as a reference list of chemicals which Science ASSIST has determined are suitable for use in schools and appropriate for modern school science teaching practices. The List is not intended to supersede the advice of the educational jurisdictions; schools are subject to the policies and directives of their educational jurisdiction with regard to the use of chemicals in science.
Science ASSIST. 2021. List of recommended chemicals for science in Australian schools 2021, Retrieved from the Science ASSIST website,