Chemical Store
Answer updated 26 February 2023
In brief: Yes, you can store your non-hazardous chemicals with your hazardous chemicals provided that incompatible chemicals are segregated. The Australian Standard AS 2243.2:2021 gives guidance for the storage of chemicals in a separate chemical storeroom; it states:
“Other chemicals that are neither dangerous goods nor hazardous substances (e.g., starch or distilled water) may also be kept in the store.”1
Chemicals should be stored segregated on the basis of their physico-chemical attributes. The Dangerous Goods Code is a good foundation for segregation of incompatible chemicals, bearing in mind that there can be incompatibilities within a Dangerous Goods Class, and where a chemical is classified with more than one DG Class. Generally, but not always, chemicals classified as Dangerous Goods under the DG Code are also classified as Hazardous under the GHS.
The term hazardous refers to both health hazards, which may be acute (e.g., poisoning) or long-term (e.g., cancer), and physical hazards (e.g., fire or explosion).2 Whilst chemicals previously classified as hazardous substances and Dangerous Goods now come under the GHS for workplaces, the Dangerous Goods Code is still a requirement for road transport and a good basis for segregation of incompatible chemicals in storage.
We previously answered a similar question, which has some links to useful information for the school setting.3 The Science ASSIST Chemical Management Handbook4 also provides guidance relating to the storage of specific chemicals.
References and further information
1 Standards Australia, 2021, AS 2243 Safety in Laboratories, Part 2: 2021 Chemical aspects and storage, Sydney, Australia. Reproduced by ASTA with the permission of Standards Australia Limited under licence CLF1222asta. Copyright in AS [2243.2:2021] vests in Standards Australia. Users must not copy or reuse this work without the permission of Standards Australia or the copyright owner.
2 Safe Work Australia, (nd) Topic - Hazardous chemicals, Retrieved (26 February 2023) from the Safe Work Australia website,
3 Science ASSIST, (2023), Safe storage of chemicals Q&A, Retrieved from the Science ASSIST website:
4 Science ASSIST, (2018), Chemical Management Handbook for Australian Schools – Edition 3, Science ASSIST website,
Victoria Department of Education. (2018, July 10), Guidance Sheet 1: Chemical storage, Victoria Department of Education website,