The Penguin Project - Year 3 CLE

This online resource helps teach the transference of heat to Year 3s.
Developed by Science ASSIST, this Connected Learning Experience (CLE) focuses on heat transfer and heat insulators designed for younger students.
It also includes examples of how the investigations and activities can be adjusted to cater for students with diverse needs so they can access and participate as well.
In this investigation, heat transfer and heat insulators are investigated in the context of emperor penguins who huddle together to reduce heat lost from their bodies to the surrounding cold air.
Learning intentions:
Students will be able to:
- observe and explain that heat can transfer from one object to another
- understand that scientists search for patterns in data and use these observations to explain everyday phenomena
- make accurate observations
- record and represent observations
- identify patterns from observations
The SVG-based diagram that this link takes you to is best viewed with a browser other than Internet Explorer.
Additional Information
The Connect Learning Experience Resource
A Connected Learning Experience (CLE) is a resource package designed to support the use of inquiry investigations in the classroom.
Each CLE may not encompass all the concepts and skills addressed in the specific content descriptions outlined by the Australian Curriculum: Science for that Year level. The Learning Intentions clearly define the aims and objectives of the CLE.
Year 3 Achievement Standard
This lesson sequence provides opportunities to gather information about students’ achievement of specific components in the standards (which are bolded in the statements below).
By the end of Year 3, students use their understanding of the movement of the Earth, materials and the behaviour of heat to suggest explanations for everyday observations. They describe features common to living things. They describe how they can use science investigations to respond to questions and identify where people use science knowledge in their lives.
Students use their experiences to pose questions and predict the outcomes of investigations. They make formal measurements and follow procedures to collect and present observations in a way that helps to answer the investigation questions. Students suggest possible reasons for their findings. They describe how safety and fairness were considered in their investigations. They use diagrams and other representations to communicate their ideas.
Relevant prior curriculum knowledge
Science / Year 1 / Science Understanding / Biological Sciences
Content description
Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)
- Year 3 > Science Inquiry Skills > Communicating > Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and... > ACSIS060
- Year 3 > Science Inquiry Skills > Evaluating > Reflect on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not > ACSIS058
- Year 3 > Science Inquiry Skills > Planning and conducting > Consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital... > ACSIS055
- Year 3 > Science Inquiry Skills > Planning and conducting > With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to... > ACSIS054
- Year 3 > Science Inquiry Skills > Processing and analysing data and information > Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent... > ACSIS057
- Year 3 > Science Understanding > Chemical Sciences > Investigate the observable properties of solids and liquids and how adding or... > AC9S3U04
- Year 3 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Heat can be produced in many ways and can move from one object to another > ACSSU049
- Year 3 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Identify sources of heat energy and examine how temperature changes when heat... > AC9S3U03
- Year 3 > Science as a Human Endeavour > Nature and development of science > Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships > ACSHE050
- Year 3 > Science as a Human Endeavour > Use and influence of science > Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions > ACSHE051