How solar panels work
Publication Date:
January, 2008
Type of Resource:
Teacher background info
This online resource describes how photovoltaic cells work.
A video describes how the photovoltaic effect works in the doped semiconductors used to generate electricity in solar panels.
This resource would be good for advanced students or for teacher background information.
Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S9U06 (Year 9)
Australian Curriculum:
- Year 9 > Science Understanding > Chemical Sciences > All matter is made of atoms which are composed of protons, neutrons and... > ACSSU177
- Year 9 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Energy transfer through different mediums can be explained using wave and... > ACSSU182
- Year 9 > Science as a Human Endeavour > Nature and development of science > Advances in scientific understanding often rely on technological advances and... > ACSHE158