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Showing 1 - 10 of 409 results
Test tubes
Publication Date: 14 May 2014

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) gives a detailed method for how to dilute concentrated sulfuric acid.

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 15 May 2014

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) gives a detailed method for how to handle dry ice.

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Chemistry beakers
Publication Date: 15 May 2014

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) contains a detailed method for preparing sodium hydroxide solutions.

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Chemical glassware containing chemicals
Publication Date: 16 May 2014

Updated November 2016

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which gives a detailed method for how to dilute concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 31 July 2014

This ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) deals with lab glass and porcelain disposal—the ‘sharp end’ of disposing of broken glass and porcelain.

Type of Resources: Information Sheet
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 19 September 2014

This downloadable resource is a standard operating procedure and detailed method for handling sealed radioactive sources.

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
A common fire extinguisher symbol
Publication Date: 28 November 2014

This downloadable document contains a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the use of fire extinguishers

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Illustration of someone using a fire blanket on a fire
Publication Date: 28 November 2014

This downloadable document contains a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the use of fire blankets

Type of Resources: Standard Operating Procedure
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 30 November 2014

This downloadable document provides information regarding appropriate footwear in the school science laboratory.

Type of Resources: Information Sheet
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 12 March 2015

This downloadable resource provides recommendations for running a science preparation room—how to efficiently and safely organise practical activities.

Type of Resources: Information Sheet
