

SOP: Performing a heart dissection

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) contains a detailed method, including photographs, for how to perform a heart dissection.

The accompanying example risk assessment should be used as a guide only, and users should consider risks and safety measures in their local environment before proceeding.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U02 (Year 8), AC9S9U01 (Year 9)

How the heart actually pumps blood - TED Ed

This video shows how a heart pumps blood.

The resource is a TED Ed video (4:27) that uses animations to explain how the ventricals and valves in the heart work together to pump blood through the body.

This clip could be used as part of a lesson, or at the end of a heart dissection lab to emphasise the function of the different chambers.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U02 (Year 8)

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