Tollens Test: For Year 12 chemistry, the teachers wanted to demonstrate the silver mirror, also called Tollens test. The process goes like this:
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Ferrothiocyanate Fe(SCN)2: We are currently doing a prac called the Effect of concentration changes on equilibrium yields.
chemical storage bottles: Hi, are there any rules about the types of bottles to store chemicals in, in the chemical store room. ie must they have screw lids only or stoppers only.
Chemical disposal : Hi I would like to dispose of a couple of things , how can I treat them for disposal ,
Copper Nitrate solution
diluted hydrogen peroxide solutions
Snail Dissections: Hi I have a teacher that wants to do a snail dissection with 13 year old students. I thought we were not allowed to do them due to the number of parasites that snails can carry.
This downloadable ASSIST Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is for the setting up and demonstration of the flame test using a PET bottle as a demonstration rig.
Hazardous Waste Disposal: Can you please adv
Calcium hydroxide: I have 2 bottles of Calcium Hydroxide that are moist. Can it be dried out? Or is it no good or Ok as is? Also how do I stop the chemicals from becoming moist?
Chemistry Experiment using reflux and distillation: Is there an organic practical that uses two of reflux, distillation and liquid-liquid extraction that does not require a fume hood?
- Year Senior Secondary > Science Understanding > Chemical Sciences
Piglet Dissection: One of our Human Biology Teachers have requested a piglet dissection prac.