Chemical Storage Timeframes: I was wondering if there are any guidelines that

Chemical Storage Timeframes: I was wondering if there are any guidelines that
Aluminium powder: I have just purchased some Aluminium powder and the MSDS from the supplier ( Chem supply ) states Non Hazardous and Non dangerous goods.
This downloadable resource is a standard operating procedure and detailed method for handling sealed radioactive sources.
laser classification: We have not been using our old laser because it was a Class 3B, and therefore banned in secondary schools under the older code of practice.
Supply of porous pots: Does anybody still do the ‘porous pot’ activity? It involves a plaster of Paris pot, with a rubber stopper and glass tube, held upside down.
Lab equipment database: Hi, I’m looking fo
PPE - using gloves with 0.5 M Sodium hydroxide.
This ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) covers aspects of gas fittings in school science laboratory settings.
Aspects covered include:
This ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) deals with lab glass and porcelain disposal—the ‘sharp end’ of disposing of broken glass and porcelain.
Chemical Storage Cabinets: Can you please provide information on chemical storage cabinets suitable for storage of corrosive substances, including concentrated nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric aci