Investigating the effect of cell size on diffusion (absorption) rate (speed) is a common investigation carried out by secondary students.
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Chemical disposal of Sudan 3: What are the requirements for disposal of Sudan 3?
Chemical waste and septic systems: I have been working in the education department for the last eight years, and have recently started working one day a week in a small school.
Plasma ball: Are there any safety issues associated with using a plasma ball in the classroom? Sources on the internet seems to give conflicting information and I would appreciate some clarity.
Agar plate setting conditions, storage, inoculation and disposal: What are the factors that affect the ability of agar to set?
Legalities of practical work: While I know it is not ideal, is it illegal for a science class to undertake a practical if the regular classroom science teacher is absent?
Phenanthroline: My Chemistry teacher would like to use Phenanthroline for senior chemistry EEI’s. The MSDS lists this chemical as Acute hazard category 1, and Acute toxicity oral category 3.
Sterilisation of microbiological waste: Science ASSIST has received a number of questions, which all relate to this topic, we will cover all of these in this quest
Food tests: glucose, starch and gelatine solutions: I have to make up solutions for a prac where students are working out if select foods are a protein, carbohydrate or sugar.
Food testing is routinely carried out in senior biology classes. Students test a variety of food samples for carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch, lipids, proteins and vitamin C.