Chemical change involves substances reacting to form new substances


Rocks and minerals - Year 8 W.A.S.P.

This online resource supports Year 8 Earth and chemical sciences.

The teaching package provides hands-on activities with teacher support materials to support the Year 8 Earth and Chemical Sciences components of the Australian Curriculum.

The activities are organised into three topics:

  1. Why Study Rocks?
  2. Rock Cycle
  3. Identifying Common Rock Types
  4. Rocks and Minerals as Resources
  5. Aboriginal Perspective

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S7U06 (Year 7), AC9S8U04 (Year 8)

The Chemistry of Cookies - TED Ed

This video looks at non-reversible changes to matter.

The resource is a TED Ed video (4:29) that examines the many reactions that occur in the simple act of making cookies.

The video covers topics such as emulsions, caramelisation, how egg protein changes when cooked, and even salmonella.

Whilst watching, students could identify the different physical and chemical reactions that occur when baking cookies.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S6U04 (Year 6), AC9S8U07 (Year 8)

Don't Blow Out the Candles

This video demonstrates the production and uses of CO2.

This Surfing Scientist video (3 minutes 40 seconds) examines the chemical reaction between bicarb soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid), producing invisible carbon dioxide that can be used to blow out candles on a birthday cake. A great way to create new interest in a well-known reaction.

This video also challenges the misconception that all gases are dangerous, or that they all rise up in the air.

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