Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose


Learning to be Waste Wise - Compost

This downloadable document deals with composting in schools.

The document ties in the subject of composting in schools with different aspects of the Australian Curriculum: Science

The resource also gives teacher background information and outlines structured activities/lessons as well as listing many related websites, including video links, that would support such activities.

New Australian Curriculum Codes: AC9SFU03 (Foundation), AC9S2U03 (Year 2)

The story of a river

This downloadable resource shows mankind's effect on a river.

The resource is a MS Word document that has been adapted from a more complex story to be relatable to younger students. It is the story of a clean river as it flows downstream past farmland, hobby farmers, industry, and demonstrates how these activities contribute to pollution and waste.

All Mixed Up - Primary Connections

This teaching unit explores making mixtures and separating components. 

Students explore and create different combinations of mixtures of solids and liquids. They identify different everyday mixtures found in the school and home, and explain the benefits and purposes of particular mixtures.

Students apply their new learning by planning and conducting investigations about how to separate a mixture of solids and what different black inks are made of.

New Australian Curriculum Codes: AC9SFU03 (Foundation), AC9S2U03 (Year 2)

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