Energy transfer through different mediums can be explained using wave and particle models


Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium Magnets: In an upcoming physics unit for year 9 science, teachers would like to use neodymium magnets (rare earth) for a practical experiment. Are these magnets allowed to be used in schools ? I have heard confliciting stories (it appears they were banned for use in toys in Australia a few years ago) so I would just like to clarify if they can be used (and if so by which year levels) in schools.

Series and parallel circuits

This online resource introduces student to electrical circuits.

The resource give details on a teacher demonstration where students are introduced to electrical circuits through a set of Christmas lights. The students can then build simple circuits using batteries, wires and light bulbs.

The students can then examine how electricity is conducted through a light bulb using a battery as a power source. Students can also observe the differences between series and parallel circuits by building each type and relate the Christmas tree lights to the circuits they have built.

Resistance of a wire

These downloadable resources investigate the electrical resistance of wire.

The resources detail a student practical activity that looks at the factors that determine electrical resistance in a wire.

The independent variables of length and cross-sectional area are investigated for nichrome wire.

Graphs can be drawn to confirm the relationship of these variables to the resistance, and the concept of resistivity is introduced and explained.

Sample answers are provided along with a sample Excel spreadsheet of data tables and graphs.

Resistance - student designed investigation

This downloadable resource deals with determining the value of an unknown resistor.

The resource is a student-designed investigation, with a basic concept presented and a series of questions for them to consider.

It relies on some student knowledge of Ohm's Law and how to determine a resistor's value from the gradient of a voltage vs current graph.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S9U04 (Year 9)

Ohm's Law

This downloadable resource investigates Ohm's Law.

The resources details a practical activity where students measure the voltage across, and current through, a 56 ohm (or similar) resistor.

A graph of Voltage vs Current gives a straight line and the gradient is the value of the resistance.

Sample answers are also provided.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S9U04 (Year 9)

Building an electromagnet

This online resource looks at electromagnetism.

The resource gives instructions for a hands-on activity where students learn about electromagnets through designing their own to achieve a set goal.

The students begin with only minimal guidance, and after the basic concept is understood, are informed of the properties that affect the strength of that magnet. They conclude by designing their own electromagnets to complete the challenge of separating scrap steel from scrap aluminium for recycling, and then share their findings with the class.

20/20 vision

This online resource teaches students about their eyesight.

The resource deals with how a person's eyesight is measured and the technologies involved.

Students also determine how good their own eyesight is and then calculate the average eyesight value for the class.

They also learn about technologies to enhance eyesight and how engineers play an important role in the development of these technologies.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S9U04 (Year 9)

Light, Sound, Action - Science by Doing

This online resource investigates the wave and particle models of energy transfer.

The resource is an inquiry-based learning sequence that covers energy transfer through different mediums using the wave and particle models. It includes hands-on activities, digital interactives, animations and videos.

The resource also examines what is a model, electromagnetic transmission, electricity and how sound is transmitted through a medium.

Students experience fieldwork and learn how to develop a scientific argument.


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