Disposal of empty helium cylinders

Disposal of empty helium cylinders: From browsing Google, there seems to be a lot of confusion on how to dispose of empty helium gas cylinders. Does Science ASSIST have any protocols or suggestions?

Average: 4 (1 vote)
Publication Date: 29 July 2015
Asked By: Anonymous
Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

Disposal of empty Helium Cylinders

Answer reviewed 12 February 2023

Gas cylinders are usually owned by the companies that supply the gas. If this is the case, arrangements should be made with the supplier for its collection and return.

In the event that the gas cylinder is not owned by the supplier, the preferred solution for these is to take them to an authorised hazardous waste disposal facility that is licensed to accept gas cylinders. These are generally operated through local councils and there may be restrictions on the size and type of gas cylinder that they accept.

Gas cylinders need to be transported safely. Cylinder valves must be closed and any regulator or equipment detached before transportation. If private vehicle transportation is required, adequate ventilation should be provided. An open-back utility is the best means and cylinders should be restrained in an upright position to prevent any movement. DO NOT transport a gas cylinder in a passenger compartment.

Used gas cylinders are not usually accepted by scrap metal merchants unless they have been safely decommissioned. Gas cylinders should not be thrown in with general waste or placed into metal recycling bins, as they will pose risks to waste removal workers. Gas cylinders are hazardous due to their chemical characteristics, their compressed contents and their physical size and weight.

For general information on the safe handling and transport of gas cylinders and the safe handling of helium gas we suggest accessing the Safety Training videos available from the BOC website.1


1 BOC Limited website, ‘Safety Training’, Safety Training | BOC Australia - A Member of The Linde Group (boc-gas.com.au) (Accessed February 2023)

‘BBQ Gas Bottle Disposal…’, ELGAS website. Gas Cylinder or Bottle Disposal and Recycling (elgas.com.au) (Accessed February 2023)

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