Science ASSIST resources and copyright

Science ASSIST resources and copyright: Is permission required to use, copy/paste, edit and/or adapt the resources from the Science ASSIST website? For example: SOP’s.

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Publication Date: 01 November 2016
Asked By: Anonymous
Showing 1-1 of 1 Responses

Science ASSIST resources and copyright

Answer reviewed 27 February 2023

You are certainly permitted to adapt the SOPs for your school, and we encourage you to do so! We just ask that you credit Science ASSIST as the original source.

Intellectual Property

The resources developed by Science ASSIST prior to July 2020 and available on the Science ASSIST website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. This includes the Standard Operating Procedures, Risk Assessments, Information sheets and Connected Learning Experiences.

The CC BY 4.0 licence allows you to:

  • Share - copy and redistribute the Science ASSIST material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the Science ASSIST material for any purpose.

provided that you attribute Science ASSIST as the source of the copyright material.

Website material not available under a Creative Commons licence

All resources developed by Science ASSIST beyond 1 July 2020 remain the intellectual property of ASTA (unless indicated otherwise) and are protected by the Australian Copyright Act of 1968 (see

While you have a valid subscription, you may download, use, copy and distribute information within your school, provided that you acknowledge Science ASSIST.

Excluded materials

The Science ASSIST, ASTA and SETA logos, other logos, trademark protected material and any reproductions from AS or AS/NZS Standard publications are not licensed under a CC BY licence and may not be used.

If you want to use such material in a manner that is not covered by those specific terms of use, you must request permission from the copyright owner of the material.

Linked material available on third party websites

Many links provided on this website access websites of third parties. You should determine that the terms of use, including licence terms, set out on a third party’s website apply to the use of the materials on that third party’s website.

Further information

The ‘About’ page on the Science ASSIST website provides further information on copyright and terms of use as well as how to correctly attribute Science ASSIST.

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