Energy - Science by Doing

This online resource explores different aspects of energy.
The resource is an inquiry-based learning sequence covering the different aspects of energy covered by the Australian Curriculum: Science. Note: This resource conforms to the pre-2022 version of the Curriculum (see Additional Information).
The resource includes: hands-on activities, digital interactives, animations and videos, and the topics covered include: energy types, gravity, mass, weight, inertia, work, force, simple machines, friction, heat, conduction, evaporation, convection, specific heat, temperature, light spectrum, cyclones, circuits, battery, motors and generators, force fields, food chains, photosynthesis, and energy production.
Students learn to identify heat transfer and design a model house that can passively maintain a comfortable temperature.
Teacher guide, activity sheets and assessment available.
Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U05 (Year 8)
Additional Information
Science by Doing is an initiative of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS).
This resource was developed prior to the 2022 update to the Australian Curriculum: Science but is still available for download from the AAS for reference purposes.
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