Physical Science Teacher's Guide

Publication Date:
August, 2010
Type of Resource:
Unit of Work
This downloadable resource helps teach younger students about the physical world.
The resource outlines a number of practical activities and challenges designed to support and engage Foundation to Year 2 students when exploring the physical world.
This inquiry-based teaching resource guide provides advice and ideas on how to engage and challenge the thinking of students.
It also outlines a range of practical tasks on dealing with motion, magnetism, sound, light and simple machines.
New Australian Curriculum Codes: AC9SFU02 (Foundation), AC9S1U03 (Year 1), AC9S2U02 (Year 2), AC9S4U03 (Year 4)
Additional Information
This is a USA-based resource, however the activities outlined fit an Australian context.
Australian Curriculum:
- Year 1 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed > ACSSU020
- Year 2 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape > ACSSU033
- Year Foundation > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and... > ACSSU005