Conservation of energy worksheet #2
Publication Date:
February, 2014
Type of Resource:
Practical activity/investigation
This downloadable resource looks at the conservation of energy in an oscillating spring.
The resource is a student worksheet of questions relating to a short practical activity about the conservation of mechanical energy during the motion of an oscillating spring.
The document includes energy graphs, which can be quite challenging.
The answers are provided to assist teachers and students with understanding.
Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U05 (Year 8), AC9S9U05 (Year 9)
Australian Curriculum:
- Year 10 > Science Inquiry Skills > Communicating > Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose,... > ACSIS208
- Year 10 > Science Inquiry Skills > Planning and conducting > Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to... > ACSIS200
- Year 10 > Science Inquiry Skills > Processing and analysing data and information > Analyse patterns and trends in data, including describing relationships between... > ACSIS203
- Year 10 > Science Inquiry Skills > Processing and analysing data and information > Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent... > ACSIS204
- Year 10 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Energy conservation in a system can be explained by describing energy transfers... > ACSSU190
- Year Senior Secondary > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences