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Broken Max Min Thermometer: We have some max min mercury thermometers here, and yesterday one of them was broken by a cleaner.

Publication Date: 24 August 2017
1 Responses
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List of Recommended Chemicals

Publication Date: 24 August 2017
1 Responses
Answered by an Expert

Calcium Carbide: My teachers are wondering whether there are any restrictions on us storing and using Calcium carbide for pracs here at school?

Publication Date: 14 August 2017
1 Responses
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Mitosis in onion root tip: Are there alternative stains for mitosis in root tips please?

Publication Date: 10 August 2017
1 Responses

Science Technician Employment:

Publication Date: 09 August 2017
1 Responses
Answered by an Expert

Balloons and Latex: I haven't heard of any issues but we have a parent who is concerned with regards to balloons and latex and the powder residue in them.

Publication Date: 25 July 2017
1 Responses
Answered by an Expert
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 14 February 2017

Safety issues are a significant consideration in the teaching of microbiology as the subject is practical-based and there is potential for exposure to infectious organisms.

Type of Resources: Laboratory Technician general information
Science ASSIST Logo
Publication Date: 07 February 2017

The Chemical Management Handbook was developed by Science ASSIST in recognition of a need for guidance on the safe handling, storage and waste disposal of chemicals in schools.

Type of Resources: Laboratory Technician general information
Publication Date: 24 January 2017

This downloadable ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) outlines the design features of portable Bunsen burners and explores the safety issues that schools should consider (in conjunction with a detailed

Type of Resources: Information Sheet
Publication Date: 17 January 2017

This downloadable ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) provides information and guidelines on the safe handling, use and storage of potting mix.

Type of Resources: Information Sheet
