Chemical reactions, including combustion and the reactions of acids, are important in both non-living and living systems and involve energy transfer


Popcorn, pikelets and chemical reactions - Year 9 CLE

This Connected Learning Experience looks at chemical reactions.

Description: In this investigation, students explore important chemical reactions such as neutralisation and combustion and their application in our world. Students will review the signs that indicate a chemical reaction has taken place and then apply this knowledge to their investigations.

Learning intentions

Students will be able to:

The Future of Plastics

This online resource looks at plastics and their future use in Australia.

The resource provides information on the current status and future use of plastics and examines the need for a new source of plastics that reduces the pressure on demand for fossil fuels in their production and the impact of this use of fossil fuels on the environment.

A new range of plastics known as bioplastics are introduced and detailed information about their origins and their differing abilities to decompose safely in the environment is provided.

Climate Change and Coral Bleaching

This online resource examines the bleaching of coral due to climate change.

The website provides detailed information on the role of rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification in coral bleaching. It uses a variety of videos, animations and hyperlinks to present complex information in an interesting and accessible format suitable for Year 9 and 10 students.

Big Bag Ban

This online resource examines issues concerning biodegradable plastic bags.

The resource details a student activity where students examine biodegradable plastic bags as a possible alternative to ordinary plastic bags.

The EU has approved tough new measures to slash the use of plastic bags. New targets were implemented to force each country to reduce plastic bag use by 80% before 2019.

Making Sherbet

Making Sherbet: Can you tell me if any safety precautions are required for the sherbet activity, which allows students to create an acid–base reaction in their mouth? Is the recipe below okay to use for this activity?

Making Sherbet:


  • 3 tablespoons Citric Acid
  • 1 tablespoon Bicarbonate Soda
  • 7 tablespoons Icing Sugar

You will need a very dry sieve, tablespoon, bowl and airtight storage container


Breathing Cells - Cellular Respiration

This online resource shows how pH levels can be used to measure the respiration of cells.

In this activity, students use a simple pH indicator to measure how much CO2 is produced during respiration, at rest and after exercising. They begin by comparing some common household solutions in order to determine the colour change of the indicator. They then review the concepts of pH and respiration and extend their knowledge to measuring the effectiveness of bioremediation in the environment.

Engineering Connection

Acid and Base Rainbows

In this online resource, students are introduced to pH indicators.

The resource covers the differences between acids and bases and how to use indicators, such as pH paper and red cabbage juice, can be used to distinguish between them.

This web page concentrates on why it is important for engineers to understand acids and bases.

Because this was designed for younger-year levels, the language is appropriate for those struggling with literacy.

Worksheets and possible extension activities are also available.

The Chemistry of Haircare

This online resource looks at acid-base reactions.

The resource provides a range of activities to do with some key chemical concepts relating to hair care, shampoos and conditioners.

The activities place ideas about surfactants, acids, and bases in an everyday context, using activities ranging from practical experiments to role play and a class survey.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U07 (Year 8), AC9S10U07 (Year 10)

The Naked Scientists - Combustion Reactions

These online resources show various aspects of combustion reactions.

The four links show the reactions and give explanations for the observed phenomena.

The experiments are titled: 'Losing air', 'Looking inside a candle flame', 'Igniting wire wool' and 'Jumping flames'.

Each experiment is explained in simple language with an accompanying video and a downloadable mp3 sound file.

Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U07 (Year 8), AC9S10U07 (Year 10)


Subscribe to RSS - Chemical reactions, including combustion and the reactions of acids, are important in both non-living and living systems and involve energy transfer