Interactions between organisms, including the effects of human activities, can be represented by food chains and food webs


Feeding relationships - Year 7 CLE

This online resource deals with the flow of energy through ecosystems.

The resource is a Science ASSIST Connected Learning Experience (CLE) to help teach Year 7 students about the connected nature of ecosystems and the flow of energy through them.

Description: In this investigation, students explore and develop models of food chains and food webs to represent and analyse the flow of energy through ecosystems and explore the impact of changing components within these systems.

Learning intentions

Students will be able to:

Wildlife camera

Wildlife Camera in School: We are considering using a wildlife camera that senses movement and then records a few minutes of video footage. It would be placed in a treed area on the school grounds overnight. Our aim is to capture footage of nocturnal animals for our ecology topics. Are there any regulations or restrictions that we should be aware of?

Circle of life - Science by Doing

This online resource deals with the web of life.

The resource is a Science by Doing online resource that covers ecosystems, food chains and webs, scientific classification, ecosystem management and sustainability.

This resource is an inquiry-based learning sequence of hands-on activities, digital interactives, animations and videos. Students can experience scientific fieldwork and learn how to develop a scientific argument.

Teacher guide, activity sheets and assessment items are available.

Classroom Antarctica

This resource collection provides information on Antarctica and its wildlife.

Students can also access information from scientists on the processes involved in the Southern Ocean ecosystems and the Antarctic climate.

They can access interviews and images to gain an understanding of the exploration and history of Antarctica along with the activities associated with its environmental management and treaty law.

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