Living things live in different places where their needs are met


Animal Habitats - Year 1 CLE

This Connected Learning Experience introduces the idea of animal habitats.

Description: In this investigation, living things that live in particular habitats are investigated in the context of habitats being places that provide many of the needs of living things and so contribute to their survival.

Learning intentions

Students will be able to:

Garden detective: Australian garden

This online resource is a game that simulates an Australian garden.

The resource is an interactive game that allows users to investigate the ecology of an average Australian garden.

Students can explore, find, collect, read about and classify a range of creatures commonly found in an Australian garden, including: crickets, wasps, slaters, ants, and dragonflies. In all there are 24 creatures to find.

Wildlife camera

Wildlife Camera in School: We are considering using a wildlife camera that senses movement and then records a few minutes of video footage. It would be placed in a treed area on the school grounds overnight. Our aim is to capture footage of nocturnal animals for our ecology topics. Are there any regulations or restrictions that we should be aware of?

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