Expansion of the Universe - Year 10 CLE

This online resource looks at cosmology.

The resource is a Connected Learning Experience (CLE) to help teachers teach the concepts concerned with the Big Bang theory to Year 10 students.


In this investigation, Edwin Hubble’s observations will be examined as evidence for the Big Bang theory. In 1929, Hubble discovered that the light from distant galaxies was red shifted and that the further a galaxy is from Earth, the faster it is moving away. This was evidence for the expansion of the universe following the Big Bang.

The Egg Bungee Jump - Year 10 CLE

This online resource helps teach the concepts of motion and energy transformations.

The resource is a Science ASSIST Connected Learning Experience (CLE) designed specifically to teach the concepts of motion and energy transformations to Year 10 students.


In this investigation, motion and energy transformations are investigated in the context of modelling a bungee jump by an egg. There is an emphasis on finding and analysing patterns in data in order to solve a real-world problem.

Learning intentions

The Penguin Project - Year 3 CLE

This online resource helps teach the transference of heat to Year 3s.

Developed by Science ASSIST, this Connected Learning Experience (CLE) focuses on heat transfer and heat insulators designed for younger students.

It also includes examples of how the investigations and activities can be adjusted to cater for students with diverse needs so they can access and participate as well.


AIS: School science area security

This downloadable resource is an ASSIST Information Sheet (AIS) on the management of a school's science department.

Security of the school science department is an important subject that is often overlooked in the management of the school as a whole. There are many items contained in a science department which are expensive to replace or, of more concern, can be used in the manufacture of illegal drugs or explosives.


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