The energy story

Publication Date:
January, 2012
Type of Resource:
This online resource covers the many types of renewable and non-renewable energy.
The website allows students to read about the many different types of renewable and non-renewable energy in simple but effective language.
Australian Curriculum v9 Codes: AC9S8U05 (Year 8)
Additional Information
This resource uses Flash technology and so won't work on the Apple iPad.
Australian Curriculum:
- Year 10 > Science as a Human Endeavour > Use and influence of science > Values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific... > ACSHE230
- Year 8 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Energy appears in different forms including movement (kinetic energy), heat and... > ACSSU155
- Year 9 > Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > Energy transfer through different mediums can be explained using wave and... > ACSSU182