Fundamental forces


Magnetism and Electrostatics - Year 4 CLE

This Connected Learning Experience helps teach about non-contact forces.

The resource is an ASSIST Connected Learning Experience (CLE) designed to help teach Year 4s about non-contact forces.

Description: In this investigation, non-contact forces are investigated in the context of magnetism and electrostatic electricity to show that some forces can move objects without directly touching them.

Learning intentions

Students will be able to:

How Do Things Fall?

This online resource looks at the speed at which objects fall.

By close observation of falling objects, students will see that it is the amount of air resistance, not the weight of an object, that determines how quickly an object falls.

A downloadable worksheet is available for students to record their results and answer questions.

Plenty of background information is provided for teachers to make this a very thorough lesson.

Answers to questions posed to students are given throughout the lesson plan in brackets.

Forces Without Contact - Student Misconceptions

This online resource is about teaching non-contact forces.

The resource provides teaching strategies for teaching about non-contact forces such as gravity, magnetism and electrostatic attraction.

It includes a discussion of student misconceptions and how they compare with the scientific view, as well as activities to complete with your class.

Critical teaching ideas covered.

Magnetism: A Non-Contact Force

This online resource introduces magnetism as a non-contact force.

The resource provides strategies for teaching younger students and discusses everyday experiences of students and how they compare to scientific knowledge, and provides activities to complete with your class.

Magnets pull or push on objects without touching them. The underpinning science concepts include:

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