Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves


Mosquito larvae

Mosquito larvae. I’m putting together some activities for Year 2 students and was wondering if we are still able to use mosquito larvae in the classroom? I am hoping to demonstrate how having mosquito larvae in pond water covered by a layer of oil will stop them being able to take in oxygen and so die.

Planting the Seeds of Science - Is The Grass Still Green at Night?

A unit of work about the differences between day and night.

It contains modules of work for younger students around the themes of the environment, astronomy, forensic science, cleanliness and solar energy and how they relate to the day–night cycle.

As an example, one part of this resource deals with how children relate and build on their experiences of daytime light and night-time dark (e.g., is the grass still green at night?).

New Australian Curriculum Codes: AC9S1U02 (Year 1)

Investigating Eggs in Stories and Science

This unit of work explores the life cycles of egg-laying animals.

It is constructed of 12 learning sequences which vary in duration. They include hatching chickens, the life cycle of a chicken, writing an information report, and a literature study.

Each sequence offers practical advice, probing questions and other teaching and learning experiences.

There are two assessment tasks. The first involves an information report on an egg-laying animal and the second, a character profile.

It would support a teacher planning for either English or Science.

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