
Investigating Sound and Hearing

This teacher resource help teach young students about sound.

The resource offers advice on how to approach teaching younger students about sound, the various sources of sound and the sensing of sound. It details teaching activities that engage students in exploring sound and their sense of hearing and refers to academic research on science education for children and links to other useful resources.

The resource also goes into the difference between students’ understandings about sound and hearing and the scientific view.

Weather Worksheet - Bureau of Meteorology

This worksheet investigates young students' understanding of weather.

This downloadable worksheet is aimed at Year 1 students and probes their prior knowledge about weather and their understandings of how they should respond to weather.

This worksheet defines the term 'weather' for younger students and has 7 tasks to which students may respond either by writing or through drawings and illustrations.

New Australian Curriculum Codes: AC9S1U02 (Year 1)

Science talk: Adam Cawley

This online resource looks at Science as a Human Endeavour.

The resource is a short video interview with Adam Cawley, a chemist and scientist from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, that investigates how to improve the drug testing of athletes.

This resource is useful in illustrating how science can be used to solve problems. It is also useful for identifying the skills needed to study science.

Don't Blow Out the Candles

This video demonstrates the production and uses of CO2.

This Surfing Scientist video (3 minutes 40 seconds) examines the chemical reaction between bicarb soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid), producing invisible carbon dioxide that can be used to blow out candles on a birthday cake. A great way to create new interest in a well-known reaction.

This video also challenges the misconception that all gases are dangerous, or that they all rise up in the air.

ABC Science article “Confirmed: Earth’s oldest rock in Australia”

This online resource is about the formation of the Earth's crust.

The resource is an ABC Science report that relates to the age of the EarthScientists have discovered that rock crystals found in Western Australia are the oldest rocks ever found on Earth; zircon crystals have been positively dated at 4.374 billion years.


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