Occupational health and safety


SOP: Gas cylinders in school science areas

This downloadable document gives the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and detailed method for the handling, storage and transportation of compressed gas cylinders in school science areas.

The accompanying example risk assessment should be used as a guide only, and users should consider risks and safety measures in their local environment before proceeding.

Lightning in a test tube

Lightning in a test tube: I have a teacher who is planning on performing the 'lightning in a test tube' demonstration in the school lecture theatre. The experiment involves layering ethanol on top of sulfuric acid in a test tube and then dropping some potassium permanganate crystals into the sulfuric acid. I would prefer it to be performed in a fume cupboard.

Portable bunsen burners

Portable Bunsen burners: In August 2013, a Qld Dept Education Health and Safety Consultant advised us that the Australian Gas Association (AGA) and Qld Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate have decided that the puncture-type C206 disposable gas canisters that fuel clip-on Bunsen burner attachments are not suitable for use in schools indoors or outdoors.

I cannot find any documentation from any of these organisations that detail this decision. Could you advise that portable Bunsens should not be used?

potassium bromate

potassium bromate: I am wondering if it is safe/acceptable to order potassium bromate in solid form for a visually impressive science reaction for open day purposes. Are there any special considerations associated with this chemical, as I believe it can be quite hazardous? The teacher hopes to use the whole amount of potassium bromate ordered within a few days of ordering, so it would not be stored indefinitely in our chem room.


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